Thursday, March 25, 2010

Importance of using Link building Tools

At initial stage, everyone require to understand the advantages of link building. One will always ask a question that how do I achieve visitors and web traffic to my website when it is launced newly. So, The answer is by On-page and Off-page optimization.

By a better On-optimization you can bring search engines to crawl through your website and to be better positioned in SERP as search engines like Google, Yahoo, bing have taken the central place for searching product/services or information.

An off-page optimization strategy within the SEO framework, link building is the process through which one website is advertised in another website similar in content and/or field of interest. It is one of the best optimization tools available used to increase a site’s popularity, ergo, a business’ online image.

Link popularity is the quality and number of incoming links that point to your site. When other sites link to yours, this implies that your site is regarded as important; in turn, the search engine considers your site important as well. Therefore, link building as a sales strategy can make or break the business.

This is why link building is considered one of the most vital factors in the SEO campaign. The idea is for your site to achieve higher page rankings with the search engines, more specifically, by building link popularity.

We in buildmylink have an easy solution for Link Building. We offer free listing of Top 100 SEO Web Directories, Webmaster Forums, Social Bookmarks, Blogs to submit sites. You can manage your submissions with us and keep track of your website promotion. The usage of like Manage Submission, Manage websites will be discussed in the next articles.